1. Is Nuru Massge done with naked or semi-naked bodies?
Nuru Massage in other countries such as Japan is performed with naked bodies. In Greece, the services offered by the therapists of NuruMassage.gr are always done semi-naked, i.e. in bikini swimwear.
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2. In addition to massage, does Nuru Massage also contain sex in any form (discharge, oral sex, penetration)?
Nuru Massage is sensual massage and not paid sex. The law expressly prohibits any paid sexual intercourse facility and it is obvious that anyone who offers extra services beyond massage is at risk of imprisonment at any time and moment. If you cannot stand the idea that you can enjoy a sensual massage without it containing any form of sex then it is better not to make an appointment, at least not with our therapists. The page is called Nuru Massage and not TroboNuru Massage for a reason!
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3. Is Nuru Massage safe for sexually transmitted diseases?
Since both partners are half-naked there is always a small chance of herpes transmission even if there is no sexual intercourse. The transmission of more serious diseases such as hepatitis or Aids is of zero probability unless there is a transfer of blood from one person to another, such as from a scratch of one person to an open wound of another, or if there is sexual contact. Diseases such as syphilis or gonorrhea can only be transmitted if there is oral, vaginal or anal sex, which under no circumstances takes place during the services we offer.
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4. During the Nuru Massage, am I allowed to touch, caress, hold, parts of the therapist's body?
The client can touch the therapist to the extent that the therapist himself allows it and to the extent that it does not distract him from the massage he offers. The last thing anyone wants when working is to be distracted and not be allowed to complete the work they were called to do in the first place. The same is the case with each Nuru Massage therapist. If you don't want to enjoy the rest of your massage handcuffed to the bed, you better not overdo it!
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5. Can I take videos or photos during the Nuru Massage session?
You strictly prohibit any recording of audio-visual material related to the services of nurumassage.gr. If the therapist becomes aware of any such intention on the part of the client, then the session ends on the spot and the specific client ceases to be definitively served by nuru-massage.gr and its therapists.
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6. Can I make an anonymous appointment without giving you my real personal information such as name and phone?
A: Stealth calls, anonymous appointments, or massages in unknown places (“our car will come by to pick up the girl”) are not serviced for security reasons. We care as much about the safety of our therapists as we do about yours. Just as we do not call you from hidden numbers, we also do not accept making appointments from hidden phones. You have no reason to fear that your information will be leaked as we operate with complete confidentiality and respect for your personal data.
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7. That much money for an hour of Nuru Massage is a lot. With the same money, an Escort girl comes to my place and I also have sex! Why is so expensive you guys?
Πρώτα από όλα να ξεκαθαρίσουμε κάτι. Εάν ψάχνετε για escort girls σε αυτή τη σελίδα τότε χάνετε τον καιρό σας. Οι υπηρεσίες του Nuru Massage όπως μαρτυράει και ο τίτλος της σελίδας είναι υπηρεσίες μασάζ, αισθησιακού μασάζ για την ακρίβεια. Όσο για το κόστος της προκείμενης υπηρεσίας κάνουμε ότι περνάει από το χέρι μας για να ανταποκριθούμε πλήρως στα χρήματα που θα πληρώσετε. Ότι πληρώνεις παίρνεις σε αυτή τη ζωή, το ίδιο και στο Nuru Massage. Ποιο συγκεκριμένα με αυτά τα χρήματα πληρώνονται ο θεραπευτής για τις υπηρεσίες του καθώς και για τα μεταφορικά του έξοδα από και προς το ξενοδοχείο ή το μέρος σας, ο προμηθευτής των υλικών για το Nuru Massage (ειδικό διάλυμα, αδιάβροχο στρώμα για το κρεβάτι κτλ.) καθώς και η επιχείρηση nuru-massage.gr.
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8. Where can I send you my complaints about the services I received or any other relevant feedback on how to make your services even better?
You can send your comments to [ info @ nurumassage . gr ] or in the form below. Please be honest and as specific as possible in your suggestions or comments so that they can be properly used to improve the services we offer you.
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9. How did you get the idea to create a page just for Nuru Massage?
The reason why this page and the corresponding business were created is because of the increased consumer demand regarding sensual massage and more specifically Nuru Massage. Many people of various ages were looking for places where they could have a quality sensual massage and until now there was no official business that offered this as a service. So for this reason the Nuru Massage page was created. On the one hand to inform the general public on what they need to know about Nuru massage (which is widespread and popular throughout the rest of the world) and on the other hand to meet the needs of the market in the sensual massage segment.
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10. Will I like it?
A test will convince you!
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11. What is the difference between Nuru Massage at your place and at the hotel?
Our specially designed space for Nuru Massage in Athens has very nice decoration, special mattress, music, ideal atmosphere as well as a bathtub in which the massage therapist can give the client a short shower while always wearing their swimwear. Precisely because the place is a massage studio and not a brothel, the therapist or the client is not allowed to take off their swimsuit for any reason whatsoever. For the same reason, no sexual act is allowed in this space apart from the sensual massage. At the hotel, the client enjoys exactly the same services, Nuru Massage without anything extra, with the difference that it is in the place of his choice and he does not have to come to our studio.
Στο ξενοδοχείο ο πελάτης απολαμβάνει ακριβώς τις ίδιες υπηρεσίες, Nuru Massage χωρίς τίποτα extra, με τη διαφορά ότι βρίσκεται στο χώρο της επιλογής του και δεν χρειάζεται να έρχεται αυτός στο δικό μας studio.
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12. What will happen if I start to be violent with the girl, act on my own desires and instincts and try to remove her bathing suit or force her into some sexual act against her will?
Από τη στιγμή που γνωρίζουμε τον χώρο, το όνομα και το τηλέφωνο του πελάτη θα καλείται επί τόπου η αστυνομία και θα καταγγέλλεται ο πελάτης με ότι αυτό συνεπάγεται. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που δεν εξυπηρετούνται κλήσεις από απόκρυψη (Ερώτηση 6). Καλύτερα για όλους να μην υπάρχουν τέτοιου είδους περιστατικά, εάν όμως υπάρξουν τότε η θέση του nuru-massage.gr και των θεραπευτών του είναι ξεκάθαρη και απόλυτα ειλικρινής.
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13. I intend to use Nuru Gel with my boyfriend or girlfriend. Is this gel safe for condoms and various sex toys, or should I avoid contact of condoms and toys with this gel?
Nuru Gel is water-based, not oil-based. Any water-based lubricant like Nuru Gel is safe for latex and therefore condoms. There is probably a risk only if you use oil-based lubricants (e.g. almond oil) as these, due to their chemical composition, alter the quality of the condom, causing small holes in it which can even lead to the condom itself breaking. Therefore, use Nuru Gel wherever you want either for a massage or to lubricate any area of your body, yours or your partner's. Whatever the case may be the feeling of the gel on your body during your love games will get you high for good!
CAUTION: Avoid using handmade Nuru Gel with condoms if you have asked us to add essential oils to the mixture or if you have added even a few drops to it after purchasing it from us. Essential oils are oil-based (hence the name) so keep them away from your condom for maximum protection.
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14. What is the difference between Nuru Gel Original and the handmade Nuru Gel that you sell?
- Nuru Gel Original is odorless, transparent and is the gel par excellence used in nuru massage.
- The handmade Nuru Gel is 100% of Greek origin as it is produced and packaged in Greece by ourselves. Like the original Nuru Gel, it is also odorless and transparent.
- The texture of the two gels is 95% the same. Both gels are water-soluble, meaning they can be cleaned using water.
- Also the handmade Nuru Gel is readily available as we produce as much gel as we need for ourselves and our customers and is available at a lower price than Nuru Gel Orginal. If a customer needs quantities greater than 1000ml (eg 2 or 4 liters) then we prepare the required quantity and send it to the customer as soon as possible.
- The handmade Nuru Gel is good to keep in the fridge as it is produced from 100% natural products which may deteriorate if left for a long time at room temperature.
- Finally, precisely because the handmade Nuru Gel does not contain any chemicals at all, there is no danger if you eat a small amount by mistake or if you lick it off during your sexual activities.
CAUTION: Avoid any contact of the gel with your eyes or mouth if you have asked us to add essential oils to it or if you have added some drops after purchasing it from us. Not all essential oils are suitable for dietary supplements or for ingestion so you would do well not to experiment with your health.
15. I intend to make an appointment for Nuru Massage at home. Will I need a cover for the bed or will the girl have one with her?
Every therapist when she goes to the client's place, whether it is their personal space or a hotel, always has a double bed cover with her which covers even the largest beds on the market (king size). This cover is specially made so that it does not absorb the Nuru Gel and at the same time does not allow it to come into contact with the mattress and the rest of the bed. After each use, this special cover is rinsed in the bathtub. Therefore you don't have to worry about anything regarding the Nuru Massage procedures as you are in good hands... in fact the best!
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16. Do I need to bring a second pair of underwear or are there disposable underwear at your place?
In the area there are disposable underwear (men's briefs) as well as multi-use underwear (boxers) which go to the dry cleaners every time after use. There is also the possibility for the client to bring with him a second underwear or swimsuit which he takes with him in a plastic bag after the end of the session. The reason the customer needs to use a second undergarment is obvious.. so he can leave the venue dry and clean as he came in and with no gel on his body and clothes.
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17. What exactly is the Nuru Massage Party and who is it for?
Nuru Massage Party is Nuru Massage which can be done to two, three etc. people at the same time by one or two therapists depending on the number of participants. It concerns only women and can be done either at the client's place or ours or even in a hotel room which may also have a jacuzzi. In the latter case, the cost of the room is borne by the participants. During the Nuru Massage Party, participants can also try Nuru on each other or even on the therapist himself. Participants may wear their swimwear or disposable underwear. The Nuru Massage Party is suitable for groups of women who want to try the Nuru experience economically and at the same time have an experience they will hardly forget.
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Thank you very much for taking the time to read the Nuru Massage FAQ and corresponding answers.
I never leave any replies but this time I had to, I used Raja and she was out of this world, just amazing not just her figure but her intellectual, her speaking so politely and being your best friend, she instantly becomes close to you, wish I had more time with her. She’s the best
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